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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 04/11/2018
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on April 11th.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Robert Recor, Toni Phillips and Dick Smith.  Ten local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:31pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from February were read by Dennis, Dick made a motion to accept the minutes with correction: AER creates the water quality report, Bob second, motion passed unanimously.  Dennis read the minutes from March; correction under the budget line, the new invoicing procedure from RLA will begin July 1st.

Lake Patrol
Dennis asked Tom Baehr if he would come up with a plan for deploying the weed mats throughout the season.  A local attendee asked: is it free for local residents to use the mats? Dennis answered: there is money in the budget to purchase mats when there is interest.  On a different note the mats do not work especially well in the muck.  Dennis did deploy Carolyn Reed’s mat.  The standard length of a weed mat is 40ft by 10ft.  

There is still 40% of the budget remaining.
Old Business
New Business
Candace Fuchs, president of the Old Lyme Rowing Association, spoke at the meeting tonight, there was emphasis on “row fast, row quietly” and wanting to be a good neighbor.  There are many different rowing groups out on the lake and Candace provided all with a list of scheduled activities for the spring, summer, and fall.  There are events scheduled where the lake navigation has been altered, these events have been approved by DEEP.  Candace explained the safety measures the rowers take while the water temperatures are chilly.   (Two oar boats are not allowed until water is above 50 degrees, crew wear inflatable life vests while in smaller groups, larger boats are not wearing the inflatable vests but there is always a launch in view.)   Rowing is ongoing spring through fall, please see the website for all programs offered.  There will be an opportunity for those interested to try rowing equipment, see the website for details.
Dennis made mention he would like to avoid any instances where swamping may occur due to speed boats and jet skis. Dennis let Candace know if there is ever an instance where safety is an issue, it is best to call 911.  
A local attendee asked:  Are row boats exempt from the rules of the lake?  Specifically, the speed and noise? He felt the noise was excessive in the morning hours.  Candace explained that the lake tends to echo, and she will emphasize this to the coaches.  A local attendee sails on the lake and has been in situations where the row boats have not given way to sail boats.  Candace explained the rowers do have safe boating certificates but may not be aware of the fact they need to give way to sail boats.   
Local attendee asked: Will the row boats row single file or four abreast?  Candace answered: Four abreast may be excessive and she will recommend single file to the coaches.  
Local attendee mentioned he would like it if the spotting boats were marked so they are easier to identify.  The Old Lyme Rowing Association is looking forward to a safe and successful season.
The RLA board thanks Candace for taking the time to attend the meeting tonight.
Dennis will be meeting with town representatives, Scott Fisher (who is contracted to assess the condition of the lake and make recommendations moving forward), and solitude to come up with a plan for herbicide application this season, as well as how to move forward with applying for a new permit. Further treatment is budgeted for 2018/2019. RLA is working diligently to ensure the weed treatment is as successful as possible.  A local attendee asked if post treatment assessment has been done to appease DEEP.  Dennis is going to look at the contract to find out.
When Dennis meets with Bonnie they will determine whether a ranger will be on the RLA boat or if RLA will hand out citations.
Two paddleboats were found by RLA, if anyone knows of someone missing their paddleboat they can contact Dennis at 203-520-8980.  Dennis does not want to keep the paddleboat on his dock for the entire summer.  Notice of boats found has been posted.  If boats have not been claimed by June 1st, the boats may be donated.
CT Federate Lakes annual meeting is April 18th, Toni, Dennis and Bob will be attending.
All RLA email correspondence will be archived on the website moving forward.
The RLA boat will be in before Memorial Day weekend.  Dick will reach out to past employees to see if they are interested in being employed once again this season.  A local attendee offered to donate shirts and hats printed with the RLA logo.  Dennis will find out if there is a preferred color.  Bright colors were suggested for safety.
Regarding the patrol boat needing registration, Dennis called DEEP and the RLA boat is a municipal boat and does not need registration.  Connecticut general statutes 12-143, sub section A subdivision 3-“Exceptions to numbering and registration requirements” indicates patrol boat does not need to be registered or display numbers.  The RLA boat is insured by the town.   
The fish latter is open and maintained by DEEP.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick, Bob second, motion passed by unanimous vote.  The meeting ended at 8:51 PM.  
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA,   
The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on May 9th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake
West Shores Clubhouse.